MIME, in ancient Rome a form spoken of popular theater, a farce that difference of the Atellana fable and silent action of the pantomime played without masks.Shortly after the introduction of Greek drama stage Roman in the center of the third century AD BC, the Florida, or Festival of Flora, was founded, and this was a popular time for the performance of the pantomime, where license, even went as far as the appearance of the mimic actresses - stage naked sanction.The impact of MIME in the development of the comedy of America must have been considerable, much of the fun and mischief that will be introduced in its adaptations by Plautus comedy entirely appropriate MIME habene.
The distinctive costume of the player mime - was a hood or americium - where the name of fabula riciniata of a MIME who could be arrested in the head or back, a patchwork jacket, stockings, and the phallus, shaved head and bare feet of the. Enterprises were small, Ovid speaks of a cast of three to take the role of the old fool, sinful, and the lover of dandy's wife. The plots were simple, the end is often abrupt. First century BC the MIME reached a State of precariousness as a literary form, if the scripts were written for player MIME.

The fragments of his works that survive demonstrate that they have much in common with the Atellana fabulae the new mime - plays seem to have absorbed or replaced. However, the popular mimes, but all other forms of spoken theater, took to the stage under Roman improvised much, with the dialogue is in prose, which was the main actor-mime - to cut free file or expand. The indecency dirty themes and surprising of Al language, that more evening tried by some fragments that have survived appear to be characteristic of the pantomime in general. Not only that adultery is a typos, but Emperor seems realistic representation ask at the stage of having, and if the offense in question of an execution, was made possible through the inclusion of a criminal sentenced to public emotion.

It is not surprising that the actors were popular, but they were socially negligible. Opposed to the opposition of the Church to mock the Christian sacraments, but that is why the Church and the advantage in the fifth century succeeded in excommunicating all MIME artists. But the life of MIME. Its simple requirements can be delivered in a public place or a private home in these places, went to the audience, who are now officially entertained Christian.Though forced to abandon their habit, the sacraments burlesquing fall, still shocked to the fathers of the Church through his indecency and immorality of its interpreters.To what extent the MIME Art survived the fall of Rome and the barbarians attack is dubious. So simple a kind of performance can arise independently in different times and different countries, but due to its primitive character, it is difficult to be sure that the classic MIME filled always extinct in Europe. The middle ages had its mime-jugadores that may have taken of the mime, the last representative of classical theatre, some of their traditions and gave it to his descendants in the modern world.
1 comment:
mime is not easy to perform...i salute them
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