Thursday, July 14, 2011

Theater workshop activities for kids

The participants agree one with exercises on the theme of the play
Dramaturgy  is important to support the joint project work with targeted exercises. Participants agree to when such exercises on the theme, they loosen up and resolve tensions. Only if each person once moved with the others in the room and communicates, it easier then present itself (see Figure 1). Because the performing game offers space and time to think about themselves and to delve into group processes. Questions like "who am I?", "How am I?", "How would I be?", "How should I?" are experienced in the negotiating process.

Dynamics in the Group
The drama appeals to all senses. It encourages the perception and comprehension, the empathy and the social competences in the group. It is cheap, with all participants and participants of the project at the beginning by a playful train and offer a joint degree to day evaluation. In the phases of work, groups must be responded and attention also to possible discord on the mood in the. Games to the strengthening of the group can be doing effective "helpers".
The check phase

Exercises of improvisation and scene design
In the theatre-media project, playful inputs were offered for the "phase of check", where everyone could participate. During this warm-up exercises of presenting elements could be included already targeted. Two exercises should be the ability for improvisation and scene design. The first tutorial is an open-designed pulse in which improvisation can be tested individually. In the second run task a situation is provided.
Dramatic Exercise
All go back and forth across the room without complying with each other. Then, the perception on different parts of the body is directed. The tasks are as follows:
* He feels with their feet the ground, rolled soft off.
* Is strongly on the outside foot, and then click the inner foot.
* Goes up, with body tension, proud, deeply and flabby.

Contacting others
Then it continues with the contact with each other. Anyone who encounters another one, absorbs short contact without saying:
* Secret greeting: briefly touched each other or bow you discreetly.
* Shall inform of you with something important or sad eyes.
* The first welcomed with a grimace, which returns the second.
* Welcomes each other loudly in gibberish.
* Hugs you silently.
* Take you a small ceremonial welcome form that welcomes you accordingly if you meet each other.

Dramatic Run task
"Rush to the station" is theme for a playful mood for the theater work. Students are moving at different speeds through space. Each is alone on the road and can touch anyone. However, created a sense of community, as are all in the same situation. The tempo is set in each level. As the pace increases, the more awareness is required. The pupils and students follow each task without ever stopping. 

Following scene functions are provided:

* Goes into a comfortable walking pace through the space. Go your own way. Take for you to enter any part of the room.

* You are on the way to the train station. Fortunately, you are away from home, at an early stage. So, you can stroll carefree and comfortable. Here and there you can greet someone even.

* Now, it looks at the clock. You do not have so much time. You speed up the step.

* Your catches a glimpse of the clock tower. This displays an advanced time. If your clock is wrong? You speed up again.

* You pass the watch business. A hasty look at the showcase shows many clocks with different time values. That irritates you. And you may not miss the train.

* The station clock in sight is finally. Only one minute to the exit!

* Breathlessly comes her on the platform running and see only bringing up the rear of the train.

* For a short character of anger you comfortably back wanders.

The effect of the projections
Only on the last day of the project has enabled the group to experience the multimedia effects to their images and clip sequences as projections on the projector with the theater. It became clear that such a performance is always a vote on different ideas and circumstances. Contrary to what many of the participants had imagined, the pictures were not from the top or rear projected onto the screen, but the actresses had to play in the light beam of the projections. This created shadows on the canvas, where many were put out first. The discrepancy between the perception was of normal-fed claims and offers opportunities within the project work, however, accepted. Pride in the Incurred and the general impression prevailed. It turned out that was perceived in his own figures, the opportunity to take distance from preformed expectations and engage in other, non-commercially styled perception offers. It was striking, however, that the students, preferably within existing design logics of moving pictures and sound recordings, and these in their work. As soon as they took advantage of the multimedia possibilities to break through to design expectations and to prevent surprise or cause irritation.

Dramatically Reformation break
Here, the participants came across a border, which they conquered only by care on the part of educators. By excitation in some scenes, an image has been distorted so much that it was not clearly attributable to the cinema and music styles from TV. The courage to break with expectations scooped out of the multiple assertions that their design for the public is still appealing. Breaking the "limitation by preforming", the setting of boundaries by existing design logic, the students dared only by Reinforcement dramaturgy. It was about the mirage of advertising, which want to persuade young people to be crappy and ugly. And it went to the trend of youth, to reduce fashion and appearance. The international international women's day the theater was invited by the Youth Center Zuff, and of the equal opportunities Commissioner of the town of Rheinberg, Diana Schrader, to play a piece for young girls at the age of 11 to 14 years. It should deal with the topic "Beauty delusion" and "Trend-setting". By puns, dance and music interludes, "Drama" was able to inspire young people.

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